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Charlene Reviews ... Contract: Wolf Den

In the 4th installment of the "Sei Series", Sei, with the help of her friend, Kostas, is putting all the pieces together to finally bring her kidnapped daughter home. Using the dark recesses of the web, and an assassins board, Sei taunts the Wolf publicly, to try to expose his location. She also has one final chance, in one of the Wolf’s men, that can help lead her, but first she must win his trust.

We learn a lot more about Mui in Wolf Den, as well as learning how deviant the Wolf’s mind is. My mind's eye pictured Mui as older, given her talents and maturity, and her abilities seemed a little far-fetched at times, but this is a fiction piece, and it really doesn’t take away from the action. I especially like how, through all the mind-washing and training, Mui’s little girl side was allowed to show.

This may have been the fastest paced book in the series, so far. I read it in two settings and , SERIOUSLY, TY..!! What a cliffhanger! I wont give spoilers, but I was completely left breathless with the ending. I cannot wait to see what happens. That may be my only true complaint regarding Mr Hutchinson’s writing - too much time between books!

5 out of 5 stars!

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