When I first read IT, I fell in love with it - strange, I know, since it's a horror novel. It's the first novel I recall reading, written by King, that grabbed my attention, and my imagination, and wouldn't let go. So, of course, when the television mini-series came out I was excited to see it. Finally! The visual representation of my favorite novel of all time!!!
And that's when I was let down. The television mini-series was HORRIBLE! I was so disappointed. How could Stephen King allow that monstrosity to portray his vividly horrific novel?!
My hopes have risen anew with the 2017 version of IT coming to theaters ON MY BIRTHDAY!!! To say I'm excited is a pale expression of how I really feel. If Stephen King lets me down this time ... well ... I don't know yet what I'll do.
My favorite novel. Made into a 2-part movie. With the first part premiering on my birthday. Utilizing today's fantastic makeup artists and CGI effects.
I'm like a 5-year-old waiting on Santa Claus to come bring presents for Christmas morning's unwrapping.
(Written by Mandy, one of Collected Works' reviewers)