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Charlene Reviews ... Contract: Primo

This is the 3rd in the Sei Assassin Series. I particularly dislike series because of the wait between books. This was no exception. Serious cliffhanger, here! But that is the only thing I dislike about the Sei Series. Mr. Hutchinson’s style continues to evolve and mature, and what used to be as much comedy as drama have now become masterfully suspenseful and impossible to not get hooked.

Sei is a confident, highly trained assassin on the biggest mission of her life: to locate Black Wolf and find her daughter. Despite her killer tendencies, Sei is a multifaceted character that draws sympathy in the search for the child that was stolen at birth. This latest book introduces us to a familiar character, Kostas, but perhaps with a different storyline shaping up around him. I will be interested to see where this leads.

This latest book also introduces us to the daughter, Mui, and the back story of her life of seclusion. Learning more about Mui gives the reader that much more incentive to see Sei and her daughter reunited. Everything is falling into place and the only thing to make this series better is the next book! (Which I am impatiently awaiting) I am a devoted fan and highly recommend any and all of Mr. Hutchinson’s books.

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