Julie's an author who's had a successful novel, that she refers to as "The Book," and is now trying to work on a second one. She's recently moved to Ohio with her family after an incident with a stalker. Julie brings that fear with her to Ohio but is working to get past all of those emotions in her new town. First day out of the house and she meets John.
John is Julie's neighbor that lives across the street. He just happens to walk out onto his porch the same time Julie walks out onto hers and they decide to run together, since they're wearing the same shoes and all. Running together becomes a pattern for them until several situations start occurring that makes one wonder ... who's the real victim?
I think we're all aware that every fiction-writing author in the world base their books on real life events - whether the author was involved directly or indirectly. It's standard to create a fictional world with a basis of truth. That's what makes it believable. Julie, though, uses just a little TOO much truth in "The Book" so that it almost reads like a confessional, especially to those that knew her during her college days.
**** Slight Spoiler Alert Ahead ****
What I really liked about Fractured is that by the end of the novel you realize you're reading Julie's second novel, the one after "The Book." The way it ends leaves you questioning the entire novel and makes you want to re-read it to see if you've missed anything. Brava, Ms. McKenzie! I commend you for that twist at the very end.